Twin Lakes Trail

Distance: 6.8 miles

My rating: moderate

Upper Twin Lake is simply stunning.

Twin Lakes was one of the first trails I did outside of a national park. Located in the Sierra National Forest, it’s long enough for a good workout, there are a few short and steep sections, you get great views, and you can chill by alpine lakes. If you get a permit, you can backpack it and camp overnight at one of the lakes.

View from Potter Pass

The trailhead is about 6 miles from Huntington Lake on Kaiser Pass Rd. You’ll see a parking lot on the right. This is the only pit toilet for this hike. The actual trailhead is across the road.

You’ll start walking through a forest that’s actually grazing land. My first time hiking this trail, I was solo. I’d never hiked in the area and was still new to CA, so I was unsure of what wildlife I’d encounter. I suddenly saw big black animals in my peripheral vision and instantly thought, “Oh, great. I’ve surprised a bear family, and this is how I die.” …Wait. Those are cows, Lauren. My imagination can get the best of me.

The trail has a fairly gradual incline for about the first two miles. By about 1.5 miles, it opens up enough to see

Lower Twin Lake

Huntington Lake. You’ll then hike up to Potter Pass, where you can see the amazing jagged peaks of the high country, maybe snow-capped depending on the time of year. Continue straight, over the pass, and you’ll start hiking down to the lakes.

In about a mile, so around mile 3, you’ll reach Lower Twin Lake.  It’s nice, snap some pics, then go a few more tenths of a mile to Upper Twin Lake. I love it here. Explore the path around the lake. I usually set up on

Upper Twin Lake

the backside on the large rocks and turn into a sunbathing lizard. There are more views of the high country here. I’ve also had beautiful views of lenticular clouds here, satisfying my inner weather geek.

You can also continue on for about another mile to reach George Lake.

Head back the way you came from to the trailhead.

View from the far side of Upper Twin Lake.