
It’s been a while…

It’s been almost a year since my last blog post, and I’ve missed it! I’ve thought about it multiple times in the last 12 months and how I need to get back to my regular updates.

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The longest day in Yosemite ever

I think day trips to the mountains are the best. You get a good breakfast at home, then leave well before sunrise. There’s no traffic, no line to get into the park, and no hunting for parking. You have plenty of time to explore, then you get to sleep in your own comfy bed at the end of the day. Yeah! Continue reading


New Year, same trail

I’m back! I took a break from the blog after a busy fall and early winter. I’ve had several blog posts in my drafts for a couple of months, but the timing to share them never seemed right.

November ended up being a rough month in my personal life, I was unable to adventure as much, and I took a step back from sharing everything.

Since my last post, I hiked Half Dome for the third time, and went on numerous climbing trips. I think re-capping every single climbing trip would be boring for most readers – not much happens except hours and hours of climbing. ☺ Continue reading