
Modes of transportation on Glacier Point Road

Most people visit Yosemite and spend their trip in the Valley. Some make it to Glacier Point Road, and drive their car to the end. I realized last year that I’ve traveled this road 5 different ways (including by car), which is pretty unique.

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It’s been a while…

It’s been almost a year since my last blog post, and I’ve missed it! I’ve thought about it multiple times in the last 12 months and how I need to get back to my regular updates.

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News is 24/7, 365, just like many other professions. We don’t have holidays off, along with first responders, hospital staff, and some retailers. For me, that’s OK. I live clear across the country from my family, so I don’t have any “obligations.” As an introvert, I sometimes prefer a quiet holiday alone or at work with a thinner staff, while others are caught up in big gatherings.

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Snowshoe fail…or was it?

March turned out to be a great winter weather month for us. We had a lot of Valley rain, and we made a great attempt to catch up to our snow averages. We’re still behind as the season winds down, but at least we tried.

I had a snowshoe planned toward the end of the month. It was right after another good dose of snow. I’d never snowshoed in Kings Canyon, so we settled on the Park Ridge Trail. Continue reading


Finally, a snowshoe success!

I’m skipping over much of February’s adventures. I got outside and climbed 3 of the weekends, and I solo hiked the San Joaquin River Trail for the 4th weekend. I had a blast, but nothing monumental happened.

I don’t do a lot of climbing trip reports because they would all be very similar. I drive, I climb, I get a few scrapes and bruises, eat some pizza, then go home.

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