
Want to hike up and over the Sierra in a day?

I was in Kings Canyon National Park filming my On The Trail web series for work, when I had a really intelligent idea. Why don’t I hike across the mountain range? Start on the west side, end on the east side. It’s merely a day hike, and I’ll prove it!

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It’s been a while…

It’s been almost a year since my last blog post, and I’ve missed it! I’ve thought about it multiple times in the last 12 months and how I need to get back to my regular updates.

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How many times should I hike Half Dome?

It’s no secret that my favorite hike to date is Half Dome. Waterfalls, woods, and views; you really can’t beat having that type of variety in one hike.

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A visit from a friend

When I first found out I was moving to California, I was excited for numerous reasons. A small reason was for my friends – I wanted everyone to come visit, and what easier state to entice East Coasters to visit, especially in the winter? Continue reading


Michigan meets Red Rock

In every place I’ve lived, I’ve tried to stay involved with climbing. It was harder in some places than in others, but I’m proud to say that I have several wonderful climbing crews across the country.

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