
Biggest hiking fail yet

I’ve written before about hikes and snowshoes not going as planned, but I’ve never failed so much on a hike before as I did back in mid July near Lake Thomas A. Edison.

I only make it up to that area once a year, if that. It’s a three hour drive, and a third of it is on a crumbly, cliffside, one lane road. Continue reading


Half Dome, full assignment

Most of you know how much I love Yosemite, and how much I absolutely adore Half Dome. It’s one of my favorite hikes, and I hiked it three times during my first three years living in Fresno.

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First trip to the Eastside of the year

I get antsy after Tioga Pass opens and access to Mono Lake is easier. There is typically still a lot of snow and ice on the ground in early summer, but I can never seem to wait until it melts before making my first trip of the year to the east side. It was mid June, and it was time to go! Continue reading


The longest day in Yosemite ever

I think day trips to the mountains are the best. You get a good breakfast at home, then leave well before sunrise. There’s no traffic, no line to get into the park, and no hunting for parking. You have plenty of time to explore, then you get to sleep in your own comfy bed at the end of the day. Yeah! Continue reading


Tokopah Valley

Not every hike needs to be 15+ miles. Not every hike needs to have 4000+ ft of elevation gain. Not every hike needs to be deserted and in the middle of the wilderness.

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I could turn this blog into a multi-part series. I tend to be too wordy, especially when I do that, so I won’t.

Have you ever done something and loved it so much, that you still felt like you were on cloud nine even AFTER you got home? For days? That’s the kind of trip this was. Continue reading


Snowshoe fail…or was it?

March turned out to be a great winter weather month for us. We had a lot of Valley rain, and we made a great attempt to catch up to our snow averages. We’re still behind as the season winds down, but at least we tried.

I had a snowshoe planned toward the end of the month. It was right after another good dose of snow. I’d never snowshoed in Kings Canyon, so we settled on the Park Ridge Trail. Continue reading


Finally, a snowshoe success!

I’m skipping over much of February’s adventures. I got outside and climbed 3 of the weekends, and I solo hiked the San Joaquin River Trail for the 4th weekend. I had a blast, but nothing monumental happened.

I don’t do a lot of climbing trip reports because they would all be very similar. I drive, I climb, I get a few scrapes and bruises, eat some pizza, then go home.

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Weather women outdoor show

It’s catch-up time again with the blog. I have a busy couple of weeks ahead, and I once again have several posts that have been sitting in drafts for months that I just never got around to publishing. I’ll probably send out a few this week that are from February trips. This one today is from January…oops. 🙂

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New Year, same trail

I’m back! I took a break from the blog after a busy fall and early winter. I’ve had several blog posts in my drafts for a couple of months, but the timing to share them never seemed right.

November ended up being a rough month in my personal life, I was unable to adventure as much, and I took a step back from sharing everything.

Since my last post, I hiked Half Dome for the third time, and went on numerous climbing trips. I think re-capping every single climbing trip would be boring for most readers – not much happens except hours and hours of climbing. ☺ Continue reading