
Biggest hiking fail yet

I’ve written before about hikes and snowshoes not going as planned, but I’ve never failed so much on a hike before as I did back in mid July near Lake Thomas A. Edison.

I only make it up to that area once a year, if that. It’s a three hour drive, and a third of it is on a crumbly, cliffside, one lane road. Continue reading


Half Dome, full assignment

Most of you know how much I love Yosemite, and how much I absolutely adore Half Dome. It’s one of my favorite hikes, and I hiked it three times during my first three years living in Fresno.

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First trip to the Eastside of the year

I get antsy after Tioga Pass opens and access to Mono Lake is easier. There is typically still a lot of snow and ice on the ground in early summer, but I can never seem to wait until it melts before making my first trip of the year to the east side. It was mid June, and it was time to go! Continue reading